Frequently Asked Questions.

What is SOP?

SOP means Standard Operating Procedure.  It is a stepwise process of presenting actions required to complete an activity.

What is the difference between quality assurance and SERVICOM?

In the education sector, quality assurance can be defined as a continuous process of evaluating the quality of an institution’s systems and through which the institution guarantees to itself and stakeholders that its teaching, learning, and other services are consistently of a certain standard of excellence, while SERVICOM stands for Service Compact with all Nigerians.  It is an agreement on efficient service delivery between the Nigerian people and the Nigerian State. 

Though both SERVICOM and quality assurance are tailored towards meeting customer satisfaction, with SERVICOM, citizens are entitled to timely, fairly, honest, effective, and transparent services from the service providers. While quality assurance focus on excellence by structuring, monitoring, and evaluating activities that would help in meeting customers satisfaction to get the required value with due consideration to timeliness, fairness, effectiveness, and transparency. 

What is the importance of SOPs in an academic institution?

It helps in identifying all the actions to be taken to complete the steps in an activity.  Therefore, it is easy to identify gaps when an activity is not completed successfully.  A staff can also used the SOP to monitor progress of activities.

What is an activity?

An activity is an assigned task.

What are steps?

In SOP, steps mean systematic descriptions of how an activity would be achieved.

Why should evidence be provided for a completed task?

The evidence is a proof that a task or an activity has been successfully completed as planned. 

What is the job of QA compliance officers?

QA compliance officers relate with staff to ensure that all the activities/tasks stated in the SOPs are achieved in accordance with the given steps specified. 

What is the job of QA monitoring and evaluation officers?

QA monitoring and evaluation officers monitors all academic and operational activities to establish the level at which faculty or programme or directorate or centre or unit objectives and goals are met.  This is extended to measuring the achievement levels of the university vision, mission, core values and objectives.  The findings from the monitoring guide the university on the right steps to take to continuously improve on its service delivery. 

What is the difference between policy and SOP?

Policy is a guiding principle on how specified activities should be carried out while the SOP presents the steps to take to achieve the specified activities.  To identify the required activities of a faculty, directorate, centre, and unit within a university, you need the guiding principles that established the faculty, directorate, centre, and unit.  The principles provide guidance on what is expected. 

Is there a difference between the functions of quality assurance directorate and the directorate of academic planning?

Quality Assurance Directorate focuses on monitoring, evaluating, and enhancing the quality of education and services, the Academic Planning Directorate is more concerned with strategic planning, curriculum development, resource allocation, and program evaluation to support the university’s academic mission and goals.